The erstwhile Department of Physics & Mathematics was in existence ever since the inception of
Agriculture College way back in 1948. Later on, the department was renamed as Department of
Physics, Mathematics including Statistics in 1974. However, the department was further
bifurcated into independent departments- the Department of Agricultural Meteorology and the
Department of Agricultural Statistics in 1988. The Department of Agricultural Meteorology was
established with the mandate of imparting quality teaching and providing leadership in basic and
strategic R&D in Agricultural Meteorology.
Realizing the importance of weather and the science of Agrometeorology in agriculture, the
National Commission on Agriculture also recommended strengthening research in Agricultural
Meteorology. Department of Agricultural Meteorology of the Assam Agricultural University is
still in its infancy. The department has gained momentum since 1994 with the introduction of
coordinated research projects. After the development of the state-of-the-art PG classroom and a
computer Lab, Post-graduation degree programme leading to M.Sc.(Agri.) in Agricultural
Meteorology has been launched in 2013-2014. The infrastructure of the department is being
strengthened through renovation and newly constructed classrooms and a community training hall.
Efforts are on in creating a meteorological instrument facility and weather data bank covering
the entire NE region.